R/W speed and I/O data for RamDisk

Started by Nikolay


R/W speed and I/O data for RamDisk   23 June 2014, 17:56

How I can collect data of R/W speed (Mb/s) and IO for RamDiskK?
I can't take it by SNMP, and there are no parameters for RamDisk in WMI counters.
Or may be you can give other way for this task?
Thank you!
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: R/W speed and I/O data for RamDisk   23 June 2014, 21:42

Try turning on the HDD emulation, this should make it available via WMI.

Re: R/W speed and I/O data for RamDisk   23 June 2014, 23:44

Thank you!
All working properly!

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