SoftPerfect RAM Disk

Volume image: can't open .svi files

Started by eldragon0


Volume image: can't open .svi files   15 July 2014, 17:36

I just reformatted my computer, switched from 8.1 back to windows 7, both x64.
Now when I run RamDisk I'm unable to select .svi files. When I go to "Open" I only get the option for .img files.
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: Volume image: can't open .svi files   21 July 2014, 13:33

Just rename *.SVI to *.IMG, the file format is the same and they will load without any issues. We had to rename *.SVI because of compatibility issues with CCleaner.

Re: Volume image: can't open .svi files   31 July 2014, 08:19

Thanks! Was wondering what happened. This helped!

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