Setup issue when TEMP folders are on volatile RAM Disk

Started by Timo


It has been known at least since the days of Windows 3.1 that having the TEMP folders on a volatile RAM disk is the same as banging ones head against the brick wall. But still I want to do so ... having the TEMP folders there I mean.

So I have all the four temp paths pointing to the volatile 8GB ramdisk and in addition a junction-point that redirects the "c:\windows\temp" to the ramdisk also because many SW engineers do not use the environment variable, they simply hardcode the "c:\windows\temp".

This configuration boosts execution time from say 1 (no improvement at all) to one third depending on the particular SW and the particular operation that is being tested (e.g. 10 minutes is much less than 30 minutes).

The only issue arises when setting up new SW, then, most often, the temp folders can not be volatile. So, I was looking for a very easy way to temporarily make the volatile boot RAM disk non-volatile. And I found the perfect way!

We only need a new entry to the popup -menu in the SoftPerfect RAM Disk GUI, like "Make non-volatile" that would toggle with "Make volatile". When making non-volatile, it would automatically select the physical drive that has most of free space for saving the temporary image file. And when made volatile it would automatically delete that image file.

How about it? Please!
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Re: Setup issue when TEMP folders are on volatile RAM Disk   26 August 2014, 15:57

Sorry, this doesn't quite sound like a common usage scenario.

For the rare cases where persistence is required, I would probably recommend to create a batch file that would restore default Windows temp folder settings and another one that would set them to a RAM disk.

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