Using Native Boot VHDX to load from a RAM disk

Started by stenrulz

Using Native Boot VHDX to load from a RAM disk   11 October 2014, 14:52


At what point in the kernel start up is the ram disk loaded? I am thinking about using the Windows 8 Native Boot VHDX to load from a ram disk. Thus booting the main operating system from the ram disk itself of course with some overhead.

Re: Using Native Boot VHDX to load from a RAM disk   11 October 2014, 22:23

I have done a few tests with a 20GB ram disk, seems not to show up in the boot list. Would it be possible to load it at this point? Other hard drive drivers, etc are loaded, but not network.
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: Using Native Boot VHDX to load from a RAM disk   13 October 2014, 13:25

It doesn't seem to be possible to load Windows from a RAM disk on this stage (it happens well before our RAM disk initialises). For super-fast Windows boot and operation, you might want to consider a RAM backed hard disk drive.

Re: Using Native Boot VHDX to load from a RAM disk   15 October 2014, 20:19

The closest method I have been able to find is using grub4dos:

Re: Using Native Boot VHDX to load from a RAM disk   04 April 2015, 23:15


If you only make this driver work like the firadisk.sys the world would be a much better place.
your driver is awesome but all the potential is going to waste.

jorg koorn.
open | download – (71 KB)
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: Using Native Boot VHDX to load from a RAM disk   05 April 2015, 19:50

I am afraid there's simply not enough demand to justify the development costs of this driver for the few enthusiasts wishing to boot Windows into a RAM drive.

Re: Using Native Boot VHDX to load from a RAM disk   05 April 2015, 21:37

How much are the development costs, does not the current driver needs to be altered a little bit or maybe only the inf?
Is this possible with visual studio?
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: Using Native Boot VHDX to load from a RAM disk   06 April 2015, 00:53

If this was a matter of changing a couple of lines of code, we would have done so. It's much more complex than that.

As you see we distribute the product for free, while hiring a competent kernel-level developer costs thousands of dollars. If you are willing to spend $5-10K, we can negotiate the terms of adding this feature sooner.

Re: Using Native Boot VHDX to load from a RAM disk   06 April 2015, 03:53


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