Disks disappearing from manager

Started by kilrah


Disks disappearing from manager   31 October 2014, 16:42

Seems in some cases the program can lose track of a disk. The following caused the problem:

- Create a 512MB disk with image, mount it
- Exit RAM Disk manager from icon tray without unmounting (there was no warning)
- Disk stays mounted
- When relaunching the program, the disk list is empty. Disk is however still mounted.

IMO when exiting firstly there should be a dialog that warns all drives will be unmounted with OK/Cancel, if confirmed with OK the program unmounts everything (saving to image where applicable) and exits cleanly making sure to keep the disk list.
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Re: Disks disappearing from manager   31 October 2014, 18:26

The application does so, with logon-time disks it offers to dismount any logon-time disks upon exiting the application.

For boot-time disks it's different though, the application does not offer to unmount any boot-time disks. It picks them up when the application is re-launched.

Apparently in your case it was a boot-time disk, but the application didn't pick it up for some reason upon re-launching.

Re: Disks disappearing from manager   31 October 2014, 19:02



For boot-time disks it's different though, the application does not offer to unmount any boot-time disks.

Makes sense. yep it was a boot disk.



Apparently in your case it was a boot-time disk, but the application didn't pick it up for some reason upon re-launching.

Seems to be the only problem indeed then.

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