Sulution for error 0x80004005 in Softperfect RAM Disk

Started by Devnullius


Sulution for error 0x80004005 in Softperfect RAM Disk   03 April 2015, 00:01

When trying to copy files from your RAM Disk, you get error 0x80004005.

Solution? Run a checkdisk on the ram drive... smile

From elevated command prompt cmd.exe, with R: as the Ram Disk...:
chkdsk R: /f /v /x /r


SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: Sulution for error 0x80004005 in Softperfect RAM Disk   03 April 2015, 17:39

That was probably a corrupted file system then. Thanks for posting a solution.

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