Error 1117 Saving image failed

Started by serega

Error 1117 Saving image failed   04 June 2015, 08:52

"Saving image failed
1117 The request was not performed because of an I/O error on the device"

Windows 8.1 x64, image 600 MB
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: Error 1117 Saving image failed   04 June 2015, 09:53

This could be virtually anything, from an antivirus messing up with writing into the file to a faulty HDD. Check Google for possible solutions.

Re: Error 1117 Saving image failed   04 June 2015, 10:25

no any antivirus
error 1117 only when saving image in SP RAM

Re: Error 1117 Saving image failed   08 June 2015, 07:10

I noticed that saving the images in NTFS takes 1-5 minutes, and often with errors, ie can not be saved. But in FAT32 the images are saved instantly. This can be seen only by a change in the file modification date. But I tried to install AutoŠ”AD 2016 on the image of 3GB. FAT32 will not suit for it.
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: Error 1117 Saving image failed   08 June 2015, 11:03

Like I suggested above, it most likely indicates the file system is damaged or the HDD is dying. It's not a RAM Disk issue.

If you had followed the above Google link, you would have found this and this articles that suggest the same thing.

Re: Error 1117 Saving image failed   14 June 2015, 20:56

You are right. My HDD WD Green 2 TB is slowly dying. Both Toshiba 3 TB are Ok. SoftPerfect RAM Disk is a very nice program!

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