SoftPerfect RAM Disk

Cannot create new disk image - OK button greyed out

Started by Tron


Cannot create new disk image - OK button greyed out   24 September 2015, 07:02

Hello all,

I am trying to create a persistent RAM disk. I understand that I need to create an image file first, which will then be used to store the contents of the RAM disk when the PC is shut down. However, the OK button in the Create Image dialog box is permanently greyed out so that I cannot click it to create an image (see image below). What is the correct way to create a disk image?

SoftPerfect support forum


Re: Cannot create new disk image - OK button greyed out   24 September 2015, 11:06

Click one more deep in to the windows explorer and type your image well do the trick!
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: Cannot create new disk image - OK button greyed out   24 September 2015, 11:17

Or just provide a full file name, e.g. c:\users\username\desktop\test.img
Thanks!! Problem solved! laugh

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