Mounting RAMDisk to a folder

Started by gfxrelay


Mounting RAMDisk to a folder   18 February 2016, 20:14


I have found Softperfect to be an awesome solution to my problem, but I am still stuck at one point. Is it possible to mount the RAM Disk to a folder instead of a Drive? Since it does not show in Disk Management, I can not create a mount point folder for it. Anyone have any ideas?
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: Mounting RAMDisk to a folder   18 February 2016, 20:24

Unfortunately mounting to a folder is not possible. It has to be a drive letter due to how the software is designed.

Re: Mounting RAMDisk to a folder   12 March 2016, 00:49



I have found Softperfect to be an awesome solution to my problem, but I am still stuck at one point. Is it possible to mount the RAM Disk to a folder instead of a Drive? Since it does not show in Disk Management, I can not create a mount point folder for it. Anyone have any ideas?

If you check "hard disk emulation" checkbox in add/edit disk, then disk appears in disk management and can be mounted to a folder. Unfortunately, disk letter reappears after reboot, so this probably is not a solution for you, right? I suppose you want to move swap file / temp files to ramdisk and get rid of unneeded (and annoying) disk letter just as I do (=
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: Mounting RAMDisk to a folder   12 March 2016, 09:08

An alternative would be to create a regular RAM Disk assigned to a drive letter. Then create a symbolic link from your folder to the RAM Disk.

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