Feature request: Option to hide RAM drives from My Computer and Windows Explorer

Started by Swavek

It would be great if you could add an option to a RAM drive properties to hide this drive when mounted. RAM drives are often used for swap files, caches, temporary buffers, and oftentimes they are not utilized for general data storage. In such cases, hiding the drive from Windows Explorer could help less savvy users avoid confusion (and data loss!), when using the system with RAM drives.

This can be done manually, but having it as a built-in feature should be relatively simple, and it would be more user-friendly than editing the registry every time an administrator makes adjustments to a RAM drive.

Registry setting: HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer\@NoDrives
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Re: Feature request: Option to hide RAM drives from My Computer and Windows Explorer   30 May 2016, 15:19

Thank you for the suggestion, we'll consider this to be implemented in a new version.

Having said that, there may be a few issues associated with it, for example if the software was removed while some drive letters are still designated as hidden puzzling the user later on.

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