RAM Disk and pinned (page-locked) memory

Started by CudaaduC


RAM Disk and pinned (page-locked) memory   15 January 2018, 08:21

Have not tried using the application yet, as I wanted to ask some rather specific questions first;

Is the DRAM used by SoftPerfect RAM pinned (page locked, or a contiguous block) or pageable?
I ask because my application requires up to 52 GB of pinned memory, allocated in smaller chunks from a total of 128 GB. If I do use this application, will it 'cut into' that limited amount of pinned memory, or would it use pageable memory?

Also would it be possible to assign independent streams to a RAM disk write, so the application could asynchronously write to the synthetic 'disk' while other operations (not using file i/o) are performed?

What is the limit to the RAM disk size (using the licensed version) on a Windows 10 64-bit system with 128 GB of DDR4 DRAM? Does it vary from system to system? I really need at least 48 GB.

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Re: RAM Disk and pinned (page-locked) memory   15 January 2018, 15:12

The RAM Disk app allocates non-paged physical memory pages in chunks of around 4 GB (slightly smaller), so as long as your system has a sufficient amount of physical memory, it will work fine.

Regarding independent streams, I am afraid I am not quite sure what you mean by that. If you want to use asynchronous I/O, that is write files with FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED, it should work in the same way as with any other disk, but your application needs to be designed with that in mind.

I guess the best way to see if it fits your requirements is to download a trial copy. We provide a fully-functional 30-day trial so you can make sure it does what you need.

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