Invalid letter string when creating RAM disk via command line

Started by Lada

I write the following command in the console, but the disk is not created and shows "General error: Invalid letter string". Why?
ramdiskc.exe /add:"letter=M,fs=NTFS,size=8G"
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Re: Invalid letter string when creating RAM disk via command line   03 October 2018, 09:33

The command line format for console version ramdiskc.exe is different to that of the GUI module. Simply launch ramdiskc.exe without parameters to see its syntax.

In your case, something like this should work:
ramdiskc.exe /add:M /fs:ntfs /size:8G

If however you wish to use the GUI module ramdisk.exe switches, please see this page about ramdisk.exe /switch:data line format.

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