Will I see a big speed difference between 64GB and 128GB RAM on PC?

Started by hristov

Will I see a big speed difference between 64GB and 128GB RAM on PC?   27 January 2019, 08:31

I wonder if I install 128GB DDR4 RAM on my PC, will I see a big difference in performance vs 64GB?

My RAM disk is 1GB size, installed on Windows 10. Currently I have 64GB DDR4 2400MHz and CristalDisk Mark shows about 8600 Mbps seq read. I have another PC with 32GB DDR4 2400MHz and it shows about 7100 Mbps seq read. So 32 vs 64 doesn't show the twice the difference in speed. Will it be the same with 64 vs 128?
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Re: Will I see a big speed difference between 64GB and 128GB RAM on PC?   27 January 2019, 11:37

What mostly affects I/O speed is memory bandwidth, which in turn depends on ECC, configured timings, frequency and the motherboard design in general.

Simply increasing the RAM size from 64 GB to 128 GB is unlikely to affect the speed in any way.

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