Program directory cannot be deleted during uninstallation

Started by c_Wolf

I'm attempting to uninstall an old version of SoftPerfect RamDisk (3.4.7). I've gone through steps 1 and 2 outlined in the support instructions "RAM Disk refuses to install: how to uninstall completely".

When I try to perform step #3 "Delete the entire installation directory in %PROGRAMFILES%\SoftPerfect RAM Disk", I get this message:
"This action cannot be completed because the file or folder is open in another program"

Is there a service of some sort that I have to stop in order to delete the program files entry?
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: Program directory cannot be deleted during uninstallation   18 February 2019, 00:27

Most likely the application itself is still running. Open the Task Manager and
  • on Windows 7 or below: Open the Processes tab and locate the ramdiskws.exe process. Select it and click End Process.
  • on Windows 8 or above: Open the Details tab and locate the ramdiskws.exe process. Select it and click End Task.
If that doesn't solve the problem, this little utility called LockHunter should help.

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