SoftPerfect RAM Disk

Is my RAM too small?

Started by Christopher


Is my RAM too small?   09 April 2020, 18:36

On my small 2-in-1 Tablet PC (64 bit) I only have 4 GB of RAM (in reality about 3.5) which cannot be added to.

From time to time I experience 'Not enough resources' freezes when usage is 80% and above, which sometimes I can get beyond only by manually cleaning out the RAM (I have a one-click utility for this) and thus reducing current usage to 70% or less. I suspect trying to use a RAM Disk in my case would only make this problem worse. Am I right?
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: Is my RAM too small?   09 April 2020, 22:55

Yes, using a RAM Disk will only make things worse in this case, when you already don't have enough RAM. RAM Disk should only be used when you have a lot of RAM that is otherwise unused.

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