VMware installer fails if tmp/temp is on a ramdisk

Started by rocket777

VMware installer fails if tmp/temp is on a ramdisk   29 May 2020, 08:17

This is more of a FYI in case anyone else has this problem.

I needed to update my VMware application to the VMware-player-15.5.2-15785246 version. When I tried, the installer failed. It turned out it does not like temp and tmp pointing at the ramdisk. Probably doesn't like it pointing anywhere other than the usual spot. After I relocated tmp/temp back and rebooted, I could install the latest VMware.

I doubt this is a problem with the ramdisk, but I thought I would mention it.
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: VMware installer fails if tmp/temp is on a ramdisk   29 May 2020, 09:16

Is there a chance you have run out of disk space?

We have tested the latest VMware player installer (15.5.2) and it worked fine, even with the user's TEMP and TMP environment variables assigned to a RAM Disk:

SoftPerfect support forum

Re: VMware installer fails if tmp/temp is on a ramdisk   30 May 2020, 12:16



Is there a chance you have run out of disk space?

Ahhhh, that could be it! I tried this on my laptop that has 890MB free in the ramdisk and is an NTFS filesystem. On this smaller system, I'm still using version 3.4.7 not the one I purchased a license for.

I've enclosed the VMware error log for you if it helps. The text "error" does appear, a dozen times or so. I'm good and don't need any further response. Feel free to ignore, it's just an FYI in case it helps.

Thanks, love the program.
open | download – vmmsi.log_20200528_140858_Failed.log.zip (6.2 KB)

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