User access rights on RAM disk

Started by Alex


User access rights on RAM disk   09 July 2020, 19:29

We have RamDisk running on Windows Server 2008 R2. It has MS SQL TempDP stationed on it. Is there a way to preserve NT Service\MSSQLSERVER full access to that disk after reboot besides adding NT Service\MSSQLSERVER to Administrators group?
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Re: User access rights on RAM disk   09 July 2020, 20:23

The file system is initialised with default security settings.

Another possible way is to use an image file and discard any changes:
  1. Create an image file of the required size. In the latest version of RAM Disk is will be sparse and take very little physical space.
  2. Mount the image file and format is as NTFS. Then set the security permissions that allow full access for MSSQLSERVER.
  3. Unmount the image file and create a RAM Disk based on it. Ensure Save Contents to Image remains unchecked.
As a result, the RAM disk will be initialised from the contents of the image file. Because the image file is sparse, it will be loaded very fast regardless of its size. No changes will be written back to the image.

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