SoftPerfect RAM Disk

RAM Disk for Windows XP

Started by Tom


RAM Disk for Windows XP   25 September 2020, 11:07

Do you have a version of RAM Disk that runs on Windows XP? Our company still needs to support Win XP, and even a few older computers.
SoftPerfect Support forum - Ann avatar image

Re: RAM Disk for Windows XP   25 September 2020, 11:11

You can download version 4.0.9. It is the last one that supports Windows XP.
However please keep in mind that there have been several improvements and security fixes since then.

Re: RAM Disk for Windows XP   25 September 2020, 11:13

Thank you. I'll give it a shot.

Re: RAM Disk for Windows XP   02 May 2021, 19:31

I am looking for the latest version of SoftPerfect RAM Disk compatible with Windows XP.
The above link to v4.0.9 doesn't work.
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: RAM Disk for Windows XP   02 May 2021, 22:04

Version 4.0.9 released on 2019-05-14 is the last RAM Disk version that supports Windows XP. We have re-uploaded the exe file to the above location, so the link to RAM Disk v4.0.9 is now working again.

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