Virtual Machine installation freezes

Started by John O'Higgins

John O'Higgins

Virtual Machine installation freezes   15 December 2020, 22:29

Trying to load RAM Disk into a Virtual Machine. The installer freezes at 'Installing VD Driver', never recovers.
Kill application and reboot. RAM Disk starts up with a WLib fail popup. Then when I run it everything is greyed out.
Tried v 3.4.8 - same result.
Any help is appreciated
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: Virtual Machine installation freezes   16 December 2020, 11:40

Sorry, it is hard to say what went wrong. The fact that it seemingly froze suggests that Windows was unable to install the driver or verify its digital signature.

More information can be found in as explained by Microsoft. In general, our RAM Disk works on any VMs, but there seems to be an issue with your system. Please check the C:\Windows\INF\ file for possible reasons.

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