SoftPerfect RAM Disk

New release contains an older version of drivers

Started by WildByDesign

New release contains an older version of drivers   06 January 2021, 02:08

The most recent release of version 4.2 contains older version of RAMDisk drivers from version 4.1.1. Is this intended or accidental?

I just wanted to point this out, just in case. Either way, it is working great so far.

SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: New release contains an older version of drivers   06 January 2021, 15:04

Depending on how a new release is built, the version of its drivers may or may not match the version of the product.
In this case, it happened simply because the drivers were built and signed before the RAM Disk version number was increased. This discrepancy does not affect anything in any way as the drivers are correct.

Thank you for asking and posting this; someone else may have the same question and will appreciate that the answer is already here.

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