SoftPerfect RAM Disk

Fully volatile system with boot from a RAM disk

Started by Eirik


Fully volatile system with boot from a RAM disk   10 February 2021, 13:22

I want a RAM disk system that wipes out completely, OS and all, on loss of power. The computer has NO form of permanent storage like FLASH/SSD/HDD/etc. This is a "self-destruct" mechanism for a privacy/security requirement.

I'm thinking of something like this:
  • A system/disk image is created and stored on a USB stick,
  • The above PC is booted on that USB stick,
  • RAM disk is created (have 32GB available),
  • The (expanded) image is copied to the RAM disk and,
  • The USB stick removed and PC rebooted to RAM disk.
Can this be done with your RAM Disk?
SoftPerfect Support forum - Ann avatar image

Re: Fully volatile system with boot from a RAM disk   10 February 2021, 13:50

No, that is not possible with our RAM Disk. I don't think it's possible even in theory, as in your scenario all RAM would be wiped in the last step (USB removed and reboot to RAM disk) when BIOS does standard memory testing. You may be better off using software like VeraCrypt to simply encrypt everything for privacy and security.

Re: Fully volatile system with boot from a RAM disk   02 May 2021, 11:59

Would it be remotely possible for 256 GB of DDR4 ECC RAM and a PCI-E x4 or x8 slot run SSD to be "read-only" with forcing boot from a ramdisk run from the above?

For clarity, the ECC ramdisk would not be read only. ^.^’’
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: Fully volatile system with boot from a RAM disk   02 May 2021, 18:13

Not with our product. It requires a running copy of Windows to operate and can't be used to boot any OS.

Unless you run a virtual machine and place its hard disk image on a RAM Disk, but performance-wise it will not be great.

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