Disk size changes without remounting

Started by Nw6Ij

Disk size changes without remounting   22 March 2021, 22:01

Is there a bug in the disk size change procedure?
What I did:
  1. Open GUI window, mount a RAM disk
  2. Right-click the mounted disk, select Properties
  3. Change the disk size, press Ok
  4. Warning window appears: "Would you like to remount..."
  5. Press Cancel
  6. Size of the disk changes, even though I pressed Cancel. Is this a bug?

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Re: Disk size changes without remounting   23 March 2021, 10:42

It is not a bug.

If you choose not to remount the disk, then the new settings are saved and will apply after a reboot. If you choose to remount the disk, then the new settings will apply immediately. In either case, the new settings are saved when you press Ok, and that's what the dialog shows.

Re: Disk size changes without remounting   23 March 2021, 17:36

Ok, thanks!

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