Problem with unmounting: disk is currently mounted by another user

Started by Sebas1203

Hi, I have seen this issue posted here in a couple of threads. The issue is as follows: I cannot unmount a disk I created because when I try to unmount it (either by the application or by commands) it says that it is mounted by another user and it can't be edited or something of the sort. I have tried every solution given here. Deleting register entries, running command line to force unmount, followed the "manual delete" post from here and still nothing. The disk remains and now I don't even have the program because I deleted the folder as the instructions said. Then I installed it back and got the following message: initialisation of VVLIB FAILED. Please help!
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Re: Problem with unmounting: disk is currently mounted by another user   04 April 2021, 09:36

It depends on what you wish to achieve. It just can't be that the program is not installed, but the disk is there. If the disk is present after a reboot, that means the RAM Disk drivers are installed and running. If you want to entirely remove the application, my advice would be as follows.

1) Delete the following registry keys:
On Windows 10, you may need to reboot at this point. Otherwise the .sys files at the next step may be locked by the system and you may not be able to delete them.

2) Delete the following files in the %SystemRoot%\System32\Drivers directory:

3) Delete the entire installation directory in %PROGRAMFILES%\SoftPerfect RAM Disk.

4) Make sure you don't have spvdbus.sys and spvve.sys in any other folder.

5) Reboot.

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