SoftPerfect RAM Disk

Batch file for uninstalling RAM Disk

Started by Tiff


Batch file for uninstalling RAM Disk   09 May 2021, 11:31

Can I make a batch file to uninstall RAM Disk? If yes, what command do I need to use? Thanks!
SoftPerfect Support forum - Ann avatar image

Re: Batch file for uninstalling RAM Disk   09 May 2021, 11:42

For uninstalling SoftPerfect RAM Disk, simply execute:
"C:\Program Files\SoftPerfect RAM Disk\unins000.exe" /SILENT /NORESTART
The last parameter instructs the uninstaller not to restart the system even if necessary. If you want to reinstall the application later, the system must be rebooted before that.

Re: Batch file for uninstalling RAM Disk   03 July 2022, 23:02

I thought that question "Batch file for uninstalling RAM Disk" was how to uninstall RAM disk (with a help of batch file) and not application SoftPerfect RAM Disk. Am I right?
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: Batch file for uninstalling RAM Disk   04 July 2022, 09:36

The above advice refers to the removal of the application itself.

For the information on how to create/delete RAM disks from a batch file, please see this page.

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