SoftPerfect RAM Disk

Operation failed with status code C000009A

Started by HarryW


Operation failed with status code C000009A   28 May 2021, 14:55

I don't seem to be able to mount my RAM disk. Getting this error message:

Operation failed with status code = C000009A and image status code = Unknown reason
0 The operation completed successfully

In the main window, in the list of disks mounted on boot, I see my 4096 MB NTFS disk with a red cross icon in front of it instead of the normal green check icon.
SoftPerfect Support forum - Ann avatar image

Re: Operation failed with status code C000009A   28 May 2021, 15:04

Most likely, you are using RAM Disk version below v4.0.8 with Windows 10 above v1809.

In Windows 10 v1809 Microsoft changed the behaviour of one of its kernel memory allocation routines. As a result, it became impossible to allocate 4096 GB or more in one go. RAM Disk version 4.0.8 released in October 2018, and all subsequent versions, fix that.

To solve this problem, you can:

Re: Operation failed with status code C000009A   31 May 2021, 10:22

Thanks, I've managed to create a 4000 MB disk.

I am now back to exploring if can help with two issues: using a high quality camera on Zoom, that is reducing lag to an absolute minimum; and facilitating the
video-editing I do from time to time (an older version of Premiere Pro). Those being the two areas of intensive use I'm hoping to improve. Is that realistic?

If a larger RAM disk size will be helpful, I do have 32 GB RAM installed. And I need to read up again on the procedure of use.

Best regards,
SoftPerfect Support forum - Ann avatar image

Re: Operation failed with status code C000009A   31 May 2021, 10:28

It is unlikely that a RAM disk will help with Zoom and lag, as it's more likely caused by deficiencies somewhere along the network connection. Improvements in video-editing are possible, but you will likely need a RAM disk larger than 4 GB.

You may like to have a look at this article on how a RAM disk can be used to improve performance, then test the free 30-day trial of the latest RAM Disk version with a larger disk, and see how much it helps.

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