Does Cache Relocator require Admin privileges?

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Does Cache Relocator require Admin privileges?   27 September 2021, 09:52

The Cache Relocator program requests Admin privileges on startup, which cannot be denied. Thus, when it moves the cache, it only moves the cache for the Admin account, not for the limited user accounts. Is there a solution for handling every account on the PC, not just the Admin account?
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Re: Does Cache Relocator require Admin privileges?   27 September 2021, 10:05

The Cache Relocator software is not designed for multi-account systems or corporate environments. It works by creating symbolic links. On Windows, creating symbolic link requires admin privileges.

If you have an admin account on that computer, you can create symbolic links manually using command prompt and the mklink command. Alternatively Chromimum-based browsers can be configured to use a specific directory for cache, including a RAM disk, with command line parameters specified in their shortcut.

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