Enter Licence Key menu is greyed out

Started by Edward


Enter Licence Key menu is greyed out   01 November 2021, 12:23

I cannot enter my licence key into my RAM Disk. The "Enter Licence Key" menu item in "Help" menu is disabled and unaccessible (grey colour).
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Re: Enter Licence Key menu is greyed out   01 November 2021, 12:28

It sounds like you might have tweaked some settings that led to this. To fix the issue, please try the following:

1. Quit the RAM Disk application via File - Exit in the main menu. It is crucial to use this way instead of closing the window with [X].

2. Open this file in Notepad: %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\SoftPerfect\RAM Disk\ramdisk.xml
and change the following line

3. Start the RAM Disk application again.

Re: Enter Licence Key menu is greyed out   01 November 2021, 13:18

It works now. Thanks.

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