SoftPerfect RAM Disk

Error when deleting a disk

Started by Alex


Error when deleting a disk   19 November 2021, 13:16

I am receiving a BSOD 0x1e while attempting to remove a disk by ding this:
"C:\Program Files\SoftPerfect RAM Disk\ramdisk.exe" /add:"type=boot, fs=NTFS, size=1000M, mount=yes, save=yes, letter=R"
"C:\Program Files\SoftPerfect RAM Disk\ramdiskc.exe" /del:R /force
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Re: Error when deleting a disk   19 November 2021, 13:23

You seem to be adding the RAM disk with ramdisk.exe (GUI version) but deleting it with ramdiskc.exe (console version), and that's not a correct way to do it.

If you simply need to create a disk, use it, and then delete it, please use ramdiskc.exe for every step. It's a console interface without user prompts designed to be used in scripts and automation for on-demand disks.

Whereas ramdisk.exe command line parameters exist mainly for the initial configuration; for example if you wanted to add a disk after installing the RAM Disk application. Using these command line switches for creating and deleting RAM disks on demand is not recommend because:
  • This creates and modifies configuration the GUI uses.
  • There is a possibility of dialog prompts and user interaction may be needed.
  • The GUI itself uses system resources without need.
  • There may be problems with more than one instance overwriting each other's configuration.

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