Mounting two RAM disks at boot time

Started by Brian V

Brian V

Mounting two RAM disks at boot time   11 April 2022, 13:01

How can I have 2 RAM disks mount on boot?
Right now, one RAM disk loads on boot, the other one on logon. I want them both to mount at bootup.

R: disk is a cache disk for specific applications
S: disk is for Windows temp folders

SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: Mounting two RAM disks at boot time   11 April 2022, 14:16

There are two disk types in the RAM Disk app:
  • Boot-time disks, which are available immediately on system startup. To create a boot-time disk, choose Disk – Add Boot Disk in the main menu.
  • Logon-time disks, which are available when a user logs on. Unless you have specific requirements for using logon-time disks, it is best to use boot-time disks. To create a logon-time disk, choose Disk – Add in the main menu.
So, in your case, simply delete your logon-time disk and then create a new boot-time disk via Disk – Add Boot Disk in the main menu.

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