SoftPerfect RAM Disk

Win32 error code = 1784

Started by Denis


Win32 error code = 1784   05 August 2022, 16:41

Good afternoon. Windows Server 2019. When creating a disk, a message pops up:
"Win32 error code = 1784. The available buffer is not suitable for the specified operation."

Version 4.3.3
SoftPerfect Support forum - Ann avatar image

Re: Win32 error code = 1784   05 August 2022, 17:41

Please make sure that you reboot your computer after the installation of the RAM Disk application when it prompts you. This is an important step and should not be ignored.

Solved: Win32 error code = 1784   09 August 2022, 10:53

Thank you! I had the same problem because I obstinately ignored what the app was telling me laugh
This time round I did as told and everything is well.

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