Reverting temporary and cache files to their original location when uninstalling RAM Disk

Started by Caveriviere


Following a tutorial to optimize the performance of Windows 11, I installed "SoftPerfect RAM Disk" app, created a 4GB RAM disk (in 32GB of RAM), and moved Windows temp and Chrome caches to it.

Now, how can I uninstall the RAM disk and "SoftPerfect RAM Disk"? Will simply erasing the created RAM disk and uninstalling the program be enough?

Basically, by erasing the RAM disk, will my Windows and Chrome temporary files automatically return to their original places?

Awaiting your reply.
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Re: Reverting temporary and cache files to their original location when uninstalling RAM Disk   24 August 2022, 10:46

Removing the RAM Disk application will remove all the created RAM disks as well. However, it will not automatically revert Windows temporary folders and Chrome cache to their locations on the physical disk. Just as it didn't move them automatically to the RAM disk when you were installing it.

You should manually revert/restore all the changes you've made when you were moving those files to the RAM disk. And you should do this before uninstalling the RAM Disk application. Otherwise some things may break.

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