Cannot reinstall because an old version is still present somewhere

Started by Dave B.

I had to reset Windows 10, but I kept all my files. When I tried to reinstall RAM Disk, it told me to uninstall it and that I still have an old version. The problem is that I can't uninstall it because it is not installed anymore.

I tried following RAM Disk refuses to install: how to uninstall completely instructions, but neither of the two keys that I am supposed to delete are in my Registry:
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Re: Cannot reinstall because an old version is still present somewhere   26 September 2022, 18:20

There are only two cases when the installer will refuse to proceed:
  • Either one or both of these keys exist in the registry
  • Or the ramdiskws.exe file exists in the target folder, i.e. C:\Program Files\SoftPerfect RAM Disk. This indicates that a very old version or RAM Disk was installed. If so, you can simply delete that folder, and the installer should be able to proceed.
In either case, you were following the correct article on how to completely uninstall an older version of RAM Disk.

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