We have tested SoftPerfect RAM Disk with Duplicate Image Remover, and everything works perfectly well.
Please make sure that:
- Your RAM disk has enough space available.
- The folder referenced in your %TEMP% and %TMP% variables exists.
To check %TEMP% and %TMP% references, press
Win+R or
Start, type
Run and launch it, then enter
%TEMP% and press Ok. If the destination temporary folder exits and has been referenced correctly, Windows will open that folder. If not, you will get an error.
After that, repeat the same process with
By the way, if you use your RAM disk purely for temporary files, you don't need an image file for it. RAM disk images are required only when the user uses the RAM disk for some data that needs to be saved between sessions. Otherwise, without an associated image, RAM disk works even faster.
P.S. A note for those who may be reading this and get confused about different images: a
RAM disk image file is a persistent copy of the data located on the RAM disk. It can, amongst other things, contain graphic image files (pictures, photos, etc), but a RAM disk image and a graphic image are NOT the same thing.