SoftPerfect RAM Disk

Inaccessible Autorun Applications

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Inaccessible Autorun Applications   13 November 2023, 11:48

I have 2 RAM-disks working, both exFAT, one of them 'at logon', the other 'at startup' with image-file. What cases can be using the "Applications" function? It is always gray.

btw, why one disk display as exFAT, second as ExFAT? smile
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: Inaccessible Autorun Applications   13 November 2023, 14:25

The Applications menu is disabled for users with administrator privileges. This restriction serves as a security measure to prevent a potential vulnerability. If not in place, a regular user might launch an application with administrative rights, thereby compromising the system's security.

Regarding the inconsistency in the file system format's naming—'exFAT' in one instance and 'ExFAT' in another—this arises because the terms are derived from different sources. We will rectify this inconsistency in the next release.

Re: Inaccessible Autorun Applications   13 November 2023, 21:56

But I'm really Administrator. I'm the Creator, I'm the God for my comp! I have tried as Admin, as System, as TrustedUser - nothing.
How to start with administrator privileges always? I remember that this button worked in 4.3.3

Also, it would be good if the %% of disk(s) usage was shown instead of the tray icon (or in the tooltip above the icon).
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: Inaccessible Autorun Applications   13 November 2023, 22:22

Like I explained above, for this function to become available, the RAM Disk app needs to run under a regular user account, that is not under administrator. Although it worked in version 4.3.3, it was a potential security vulnerability that is now fixed.

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