SoftPerfect RAM Disk

Performance of SoftPerfect RAM Disk vs iSCSI Virtual Hard Disk

Started by speedydisk

Performance of SoftPerfect RAM Disk vs iSCSI Virtual Hard Disk   18 February 2024, 22:42

I would like to know how your RAM Disk compares with the New-IscsiVirtualDisk option in Windows Server.

Is your RAM Disk reliable on Windows 2022 server? (I have already MS Defender disabled)

I am considering your RAM Disk for processing billions of csv.gz files, by moving smaller batches from NVMe disk to your RAM Disk and processing them there by unziping, reprocessing and inserting in DB.

SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: Performance of SoftPerfect RAM Disk vs iSCSI Virtual Hard Disk   19 February 2024, 07:52

Creating RAM disks using PowerShell with iSCSI seems unnecessarily complex, and its performance was 10-30 times inferior compared to our product. I believe this performance gap is due to the networking overhead associated with iSCSI. Below is a screenshot from a test machine and a link to another source that I found on Google.

SoftPerfect support forum

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