What will happen to the RAM disk after the free trial ends

Started by Thien Thanh

Thien Thanh

What will happen to the RAM disk after the free trial ends   12 August 2024, 09:34

I am currently using the free trial of your RAM Disk program. Will the core functionality of the RAM disk initialization be affected when the trial expires? I have configured the User Temp directory to use a RAM disk folder.

Would the existing RAM disk partition continue to initialize after the expiration of the trial period, but only with being unable to perform further configurations to the RAM disk that has already been created as well as being unable to create new RAM disk? Or will all functionality related to the RAM disk cease to work?
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Re: What will happen to the RAM disk after the free trial ends   12 August 2024, 09:42

The RAM disk partition will not continue to initialize after the trial period expires. To avoid potential issues, you should reconfigure your User Temp directory to use its standard disk location before the trial expires. This will ensure your system functions normally without relying on RAM disks that will become unavailable.

However, if you purchase a licence and enter the key into the RAM Disk software before the end of the free trial, the RAM disk partition will continue working as before, and no changes in the configuration will be required.
I have seen what happened as I was a trial user, the RAMDisk may still stay up after you boot up your PC when trial ends allowing you time to reconfigure everything back, once you reboot next time they will all be unmounted automatically, reclaiming your system's RAM.

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