Unable to create file ramdisk.xml

Started by David


Unable to create file ramdisk.xml   21 August 2024, 02:13

I am getting the following error on closing:

The exception unknown software exception (0xe0465043) occurred in the application at location 0x00007FFD210CE0D8.

Also getting this error when setting up a disk - although the disk does get set up:

Unable to create file "C:\ProgramData\SoftPerfect\RAM Disk\ramdisk.xml": Access is denied.

My PC is a Surface laptop 7 Snapdragon(R) X 12-core X1E80100 running Windows 11 24H2.
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Re: Unable to create file ramdisk.xml   21 August 2024, 02:17

It looks like your configuration file cannot be written for some reason. This issue is causing both the error during shutdown and the error when adding a RAM disk.

To fix this problem, please try the following steps:
  1. Quit the RAM Disk app to stop it from running
  2. Press Win + R and enter %PROGRAMDATA%\SoftPerfect
  3. Delete the "RAM Disk" folder
  4. Restart the RAM Disk app

Unable to create file ramdisk.xml - Solved   21 August 2024, 02:42

Thanks, it's working now.

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