Browser cache relocated to RAM disk reverts to default location

Started by jopa66

Browser cache relocated to RAM disk reverts to default location   01 November 2024, 00:43

I am using RAM Disk v3.4.7 on Windows 11. With Cache Relocator, I can successfully change the internet cache of both Edge and Brave browsers to use the RAM disk created on my drive:V. However the problem is that both caches will often revert to original default settings in the user profile. I cannot determine a pattern and there is no warning that this has occurred.
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: Browser cache relocated to RAM disk reverts to default location   01 November 2024, 12:15

There are a few possible reasons for that:
  • Some browsers may delete and recreate cache directories during updates. This process often ignores existing symbolic links to a RAM disk and creates a new regular directory in their place.
  • Security software or system policies may flag symbolic links in certain sensitive directories as potentially unsafe or unusual, especially in critical system folders. This could trigger the software to replace the symbolic link with a regular folder to restore what it perceives as a "safer" or "expected" configuration.
  • Disk cleanup utilities or third-party cache-clearing tools may identify and remove symbolic links, then replace them with regular directories when they clear out cache data, often without preserving the symbolic link structure.
In such cases, the only way to keep the symbolic links in place is to periodically check them and recreate them if needed.

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