SoftPerfect Connection Emulator

Unable to find any network interfaces

Started by aizek

Unable to find any network interfaces   24 September 2015, 16:00

Hi all. I have a laptop with Windows 7 SP1 x64. My laptop has two interfaces: wifi - broadcom, eth - atheros. When I am starting SCE I receive error "Unable to find any network interfaces" (attach)
open | download – wifi.gif (42 KB)
open | download – error1.gif (14.5 KB)
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: Unable to find any network interfaces   24 September 2015, 16:15

It should work. My only guess: there's a chance the Kaspersky driver is somehow preventing SCE from detecting its driver.

Try on a machine without Kaspersky to see if that's the case.

Re: Unable to find any network interfaces   24 September 2015, 18:25

You're right. I uninstalled KIS and now it's work fine, but I don't understand why...
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: Unable to find any network interfaces   24 September 2015, 19:35

Well, antivirus products sometimes mess up with system's operation, which breaks other products. In this case both KIS and SCE have network filtering drivers and somehow one breaks the other, so we have a compatibility issue here.

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