Bridging: adapter does not belong to the bridge

Started by Angus Ma

Angus Ma

Bridging: adapter does not belong to the bridge   10 February 2017, 07:02

I want to enable bridging. I added a second NIC using a USB Ethernet adapter. In Connection Emulator, I selected the two LAN interfaces for bridging. However, when I click Start, it says "You have chosen an adapter that does not belong to the bridge". Do I have to define bridging in Windows too? How do I do that? Thanks.
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Re: Bridging: adapter does not belong to the bridge   10 February 2017, 11:47

It's not related to Windows bridging. The software is saying that the adapter you want to run it on is not one of these in the bridge.

For example, if you defined a bridge to be between Local Area Connection and Local Area Connection 2:

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Then either Local Area Connection or Local Area Connection 2 must be chosen here:

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Angus Ma

Re: Bridging: adapter does not belong to the bridge   16 February 2017, 04:09

Thanks. I finally got it to work. It was complicated by the fact that I had to disable Cisco AnyConnect Network Access Manager on the 2nd interface. Otherwise the NIC will not come up.

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