Dark Theme

Started by Jeff

Dark Theme   06 May 2023, 19:07

I stumbled across this thread pertaining to dark themes for other software that you offer.

Could this be a possibility for the Connection Emulator?

Much appreciated
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: Dark Theme   07 May 2023, 12:59

Sure, that's a great idea. We have just uploaded a new build that will use a dark theme if Windows itself was configured to use the dark mode.

A sample screenshot:

SoftPerfect support forum

Re: Dark Theme   07 May 2023, 14:05

Really appreciate you doing that within such a short amount of time. Looks great!

Dark Mode   20 July 2023, 15:23

Can you upload the build again? I want to use it.
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: Dark Mode   20 July 2023, 17:50

Dark theme support has been included in the latest release. You can simply download it from the Connection Emulator product page, and the dark theme will be automatically activated per your system preferences.

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