Feature request: sound alarm when a new device is detected

Started by Incite2006


Feature request: sound alarm when a new device is detected   19 January 2013, 02:01

Request a new feature in WiFi SoftPerfect Guard.

I use it and find it great. But missing a detail that has audible alarm when a new device is detected. Have a standard sound and also the user can choose the audio choice.

Appreciate consider this feature in their new versions.
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: new function   19 January 2013, 09:06

Thanks for the suggestion. Will add smile

Request new function SoftPerfect WiFi Guard   19 January 2013, 13:11

I appreciate your response and thank you incorporate it.

Thanks for your excellent and clean software.

Request new function SoftPerfect WiFi Guard   13 February 2013, 12:27

I appreciate the software because it is very useful to me.
I have followed the evolution of the updates, and I know that you are adding more language options in the texts. Please Throw in the sound option when a new device. Since I must because I'm not always attentive to the monitor and if I had I would realize sound intruders.

From already thank you. ok, yes, thumb up
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Request new function SoftPerfect WiFi Guard   25 February 2013, 15:06

I have added an audible alert on detection. See under the advanced settings in the latest build.

Request new function SoftPerfect WiFi Guard   25 February 2013, 17:28


I appreciate the effort and encouragement to keep improving the application.ok, yes, thumb up

Before me was very helpful, but now I feel great, because I'm not always attentive to monitor and alert you with a sound is perfect.

Since this is perfect, but as information for other users: plays audio files with the extension *.wav (I tried it on a computer with Windows XP Professional operatic system 32-bit).

Really thanks. smile

Request new function SoftPerfect WiFi Guard   26 February 2013, 02:10

Thank you very much. ok, yes, thumb up

Re: New function request for SoftPerfect WiFi Guard   28 January 2014, 21:08

Um, well some of us are running it on servers and the ability to send updates both informational, and critical via smtp would be AWESOME! in my case, I host my own mail server so the contents of the message would never leave the lan, but I would imagine others would also like this ability. And I am the type that if someone connected, I would want to know about right then and there so action (if needed) could be taken.

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