Issue with Right-to-Left languages

Started by Frodo


Issue with Right-to-Left languages   30 July 2013, 18:58

I just downloaded the application for the first time, and this is the error I get:
After I open it and choose my language as English,
SoftPerfect support forum
I get the following error:
"Access violation.

Press OK to ignore and risk data corruption.
Press Cancel to kill the program"
SoftPerfect support forum

I'm running Windows 7 64-bit.

Any suggestions?
Thanks in advance!

Issue with Right-to-Left languages   30 July 2013, 21:17

Yes (that is why I included the first image).
The display language is English, but the format was Hebrew. I changed it to English (US) and then everything worked just fine, thank you =]

Also, after the first run I've changed the 'Format' setting back to Hebrew and it still seems to work.

Unable to use WiFi Guard at all   02 September 2013, 02:31


Is there any chance that the problem would be fixed in a future version?
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Unable to use WiFi Guard at all   02 September 2013, 09:15

Are you getting the same issue?

Unable to use WiFi Guard at all   03 September 2013, 00:48

Yes, but it is solvable through the mentioned means, so it doesn't bother me personally.
I simply thought that a fix (which doesn't seem too complicated in this case) would benefit the software, as most users probably wouldn't bother searching for a solution, but instead give up and look for an alternative.
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: Issue with Right-to-Left languages   03 September 2013, 11:08

It seems to be an issue in the development environment that we use to build WiFi Guard. I'll check what we can do about it.

Re: Issue with Right-to-Left languages   11 March 2014, 07:58

Thank you for the update (1.0.4), your effort is much appreciated.

Was it an issue with the development environment? (If I may ask.)
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: Issue with Right-to-Left languages   11 March 2014, 11:37

WiFi Guard is written in a development platform called Lazarus.

One of the components that the WiFi Guard uses is called TCheckGroup, which seemed not to handle right-to-left languages correctly when its alignment was changed from a default value.

So once we had changed the TCheckGroup's alignment back to the default value, the issue was gone. Apparently it's a bug in TCheckGroup's implementation, but I am not so sure where it is.

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