Feature request: include device name in the e-mail alert

Started by hostofseraphim

Feature request: include device name in the e-mail alert   21 August 2014, 18:37


Thanks for this great software smile

When we receive an e-mail alert, we have IP address, MAC address, date and time.
I think device name would be also useful to have: sometimes, we can identify device immediately just with its name ("macbook-of-johndoe", "companyname-pc005", ...).
If the unknown device disconnects before I'm back on my computer, I'll never know what this device was, who owns this device, except new connection later with the same MAC address - "File/All devices" menu doesn't show device name. With the device name in the e-mail or in "File/All devices" menu, if this device is not allowed, I can blacklist this MAC address even 2 days after connection, just by checking my mailbox.
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: Feature request: include device name in the e-mail alert   22 August 2014, 13:23

That's a good idea. Thank you. We have added device names in outgoing e-mails. This functionality is available in the latest builds.

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