SoftPerfect WiFi Guard

Email alerts in the OS X version

Started by Wolf


Email alerts in the OS X version   16 August 2015, 03:20


Does the OS X version have the email alerts feature? If yes, how do I configure it?

SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: Email alerts in the OS X version   19 August 2015, 17:40

No, unfortunately the OS X version doesn't include e-mail alerts yet.

Re: Email alerts in the OS X version   22 November 2016, 04:19

I purchased the MAC OS X version, after using the Windows version, but I see there is no support for email notification. Will this feature be added?

SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: Email alerts in the OS X version   24 November 2016, 13:43

Yes, we will post an update on this soon.
SoftPerfect Support forum - Ann avatar image

Re: Email alerts in the OS X version   05 December 2016, 11:13

Update: a new version of WiFi Guard for macOS, with e-mail alerts implemented, is expected to be released and available through the Mac App Store within the next 1-2 weeks.

Re: Email alerts in the OS X version   06 December 2016, 02:18

That sounds great! Thanks.

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