SoftPerfect WiFi Guard

Email notifications setup: why test fails?

Started by johnrc

Email notifications setup: why test fails?   06 January 2016, 12:43

Is anyone signed up with Rogers in Canada (Toronto) using the e-mail feature successfully? I can't seem to set it up properly. Tests fail. I've checked with Rogers and confirmed but no go. It's fine at the office with a different ISP (Sympatico).

SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: Email notification setup   06 January 2016, 14:47

Could you post here a screen shot how you set it up? It should be something like this, I highlighted the crucial parts:

SoftPerfect support forum

Re: Email notifications setup - TLS option is unavailable   06 January 2016, 15:25

Thanks, Andrew.

Strange... on this one computer, the Connection dropdown listbox is ghosted. So I can't select "...TLS". It's stuck on Regular. Other computers even on the same network are fine.
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: Email notifications setup - TLS option is unavailable   06 January 2016, 15:31

Simply install the OpenSSL package and dropdown box will be available. You can see there's a message below the grayed box advising to do it.

Re: Email notifications setup - TLS option is unavailable   25 January 2016, 12:22

Seem to be missing a file: "WARNING: can't open config file: /usr/local/ssl/openssl.cnf"

On another matter, is there a way to minimize the number of emails sent when an unrecognized device shows up? I was getting emails... uninstalled to install the new version, and that dropdown list is ghosted again.

Re: Email notifications setup - TLS option is unavailable   25 January 2016, 12:25

PS: I'm still getting emails (every few minutes) smile

Nevermind... coming from a different computer
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: Email notifications setup: why test fails?   25 January 2016, 17:05

It's not very clear what you are asking. Where does that warning message come from? It looks like a Unix/Linux path, it shouldn't show at all on Windows. May be post some screen shots illustrating the issue?

Regarding the frequency of e-mails, it's one e-mail per detection (so it depends on how often WiFi Guard scans your network).

Re: Email notifications setup: why test fails?   29 January 2016, 17:02

Thanks, Andrew. Maybe a reboot helped but all is well now. I can access the dropdown list box.

If the err msg comes back I'll post a screen shot for you.
Khaldoun Jalanbou

Email notifications setup: why test fails?   08 October 2016, 04:29

Hi there,

How to configure mail-sending for a Hotmail account?

test failed with this following settings:

SMTP server:
To: [hidden]
User Name: Khaldoun M. Jalanbou
Password: ***************
Connection: Secure to dedicated port (TLS)

Thanks and best regards,
K. Jalanbou
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: Email notifications setup: why test fails?   08 October 2016, 10:48

The user name should be the same as the e-mail, not your personal name.
Nicolas Genise

Re: Email notifications setup: why test fails?   04 September 2017, 09:54

Hi. I have the same problem to configure with hotmail in Mac. I set up like the last example but it fail and can't test (send the email)
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: Email notifications setup: why test fails?   04 September 2017, 10:55

Please post a screenshot of your settings here, and I will be able to tell what's likely to be the problem.

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