I've been using WifiGuard for the past few months, and I have a few suggestions.
First: I've noticed that a device on my network (a mobile phone from China - InPro Comm), randomizes the last 6 digits of its MAC address. It is apparently a know problem as I have discovered other people having the same issue online. Because of this I get an alert every 30 minutes, regardless of the activity I'm involved in, i.e. full screen game (throws me to desktop), full screen video (throws to desktop), working ...etc. Everything else if WiFi Guard is fine.
So based on this, I would like to suggest the following things:
- A custom exclusion list, based on mac filter (000822* or 000822?????? or regex 000822.*) or vendor/host name (InPro Comm) or IP Address (i.e. it's fixed in the network)
- An option to disable notification (i.e. I just want a log, rather than be notified)
- A different style of notification that doesn't interrupt full screen apps (traytip?)