".home" in host name

Started by SJ


".home" in host name   31 October 2022, 11:26


I hope this message finds you well and staying safe. I appreciate the simplicity of this program, which is exactly what I was looking for, but I do have a quick question.

I noticed that the host name of the device I'm running the software on has the device name with a ".home" at the end. Is this how the software names the device? I've never seen that before.

Thanks in advance!
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Re: ".home" in host name   31 October 2022, 11:43

Host names ending with .home are shown like that because your router configuration uses the so-called DNS-suffix.

Essentially "SOMENAME.home" and "SOMENAME" are the same.

Sometimes these suffixes can also be .lan or .local, but they mean the same thing.

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