Suggestion: Clickable link for each discovered IP address

Started by John E.

John E.

Suggestion: Clickable link for each discovered IP address   09 September 2023, 17:10

If you were able to break each (horizontal) row of data into IP address and the rest, then perhaps you could make the IP address into a clickable link? It would be nice to click on an IP address and have its load the webpage. But the downside is that not every device has a workable webpage.

SoftPerfect Support forum - Ann avatar image

Suggestion: Clickable link for each discovered IP address - Implemented   09 September 2023, 17:40

Thank you, that's a great idea.

We have just updated WiFi Guard so that it shows a little blue icon next to the devices that have a web-interface.

Now you can right-click any one of those devices and access the Web-Page through the menu that will appear.

Clickable link for each discovered IP address - Great feature   15 September 2023, 01:39

Thank you for adding this great suggestion.
I have a ton of IOT devices and ESP32 projects with Web Apps and this has been a tremendous time-saver.
Thanks again,

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