Discovering IPs on Ruckus ICX switches

Started by Amir


Discovering IPs on Ruckus ICX switches   29 November 2022, 10:08

With the Port Mapper, I can't get all the IP addresses from my Ruckus switches. I have 17 switches and 6 VLANs on each of them. Some of them do display the correct information but not all of them.
Is it related to the MIB in the switches?
Do I need to configure read and write on the switch? Or just read-only?
Do you have any experience with Ruckus switches?
SoftPerfect Support forum - Ann avatar image

Re: Discovering IPs on Ruckus ICX switches   29 November 2022, 10:13

It really depends on where the IP addresses come from. Since the switch itself doesn't know anything about IP addresses, the software can either pull MAC-to-IP address mappings from your router (if configured) or scan your network to obtain the mappings. The latter will work only in the local subnet.

What seems to be missing exactly: some MAC addresses, or some IP addresses, or both? It would be great if you could attach some screen shots.

Re: Discovering IPs on Ruckus ICX switches   29 November 2022, 10:17

First thanks for your replay.
Now I understand that the router must also be configured to get the correct mapping. Does the software know how to work with VLANs as well?
Do I need to be on the same VLAN to scan its addresses?
Lets say I have configured my IT VLAN to see all other VLANs. Is that enough for me to see all the IPs and MAC mappings?

Thanks again!
SoftPerfect Support forum - Ann avatar image

Re: Discovering IPs on Ruckus ICX switches   29 November 2022, 10:23

As far as I know, the ARP protocol that is used to map MAC addresses to IP addresses only works within a single subnet and within a single VLAN. So yes, you would need to be connected to that VLAN to get MAC-to-IP address mappings.

Unless you have a router that exposes its MAC-to-IP address mappings via SNMP. In this case VLANs don't matter, as the software simply pulls the mappings from the router. No network sweep is performed.

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